Reviewed by Trent Sellers:
And! Reviewed by Sadie Broillet:
Reviewed by Trent Sellers:
And! Reviewed by Sadie Broillet:
Reviewed by Trent Sellers
So my mom asks me if we could go see a movie together. The movie she suggests for the first time in years is also a Seth Rogen movie. Then on top of that she suggested we take my grandmother of 79 years. So, needless to say, my apprehensions were high. I had assumed that either it would be vulgar and I would love it but my ma and grandma would hate it OR it would be so watered down that they would love it and I would be bored stiff (granted two of my grandmothers favorite movies are The Patriot and Man on Fire). I was way wrong on both accounts. This movie pushes the boundaries of PG-13 so much that I forgot what it was rated but did it so tastefully that three generations of my family were laughing out loud in the theater. I think for me it had a few personal touches because I am coming to know my family as an adult and realizing they aren’t these perfect beings we apotheosize as children but they are people that make mistakes, do goofy things and laugh at occasional swear words…even if they don’t let you see it. If you miss it on the big screen I think it will be ok because the comedy will also work on the small screen so don’t miss it on DVD/Blu Ray.
Last month I took a vacation to Hawaii for my 33rd birthday. It was a gift to myself and it served several purposes but the most important purpose was the fulfillment of a need to separate myself from regular life for a while. I needed to step back and take a breath. It was the first vacation I had ever taken as an adult (vacation in the sense that it wasn’t combined with visiting family or traveling for work). Vacations require both time and money. I’ve had time and I’ve had money but until now I haven’t had both simultaneously. Until recently I haven’t even been able to visit my own family as often as I’d like.
Vacations are necessary. I believe that the idea of Sabbath was first instituted to create a temporal separation between busy life and quiet, reflective life. This separation was considered important enough by early Judaism that a requirement to take a weekly sabbatical was included in the Ten Commandments. Space and time to oneself is important.
The vacation destination isn’t important. What’s important is that I have the opportunity to remove myself from my regular life to look at the big picture. This vacation taught me several things but the most important thing was a realization that occurred to me a week or two after my return: my life is not incomplete.
In the years following my divorce in 2007 I began to get the feeling that I needed to find The One and that the girl of my dreams was out there somewhere. I am not a person who falls in love easily but when I do it’s very real. Over the course of my dating life, I have told four women that I loved them and I meant it in each case. The love I felt for each was different but real all the same.
I only mention this because although I have dated many people, few trigger a spark that ignites. My mom calls me “picky” and my sister-in-law thinks my efforts to find flaws in women are a defense mechanism. Both are probably right to a certain extent.
As I’ve gotten older and remained single, the dread of “dying alone” has been festering. What if I never find the perfect person?
It occurred to me after my vacation: I don’t need to. I’ve been married. I’ve done that thing and it was great. Why do I need to try so hard to recreate that?
Is it for the companionship? I have friendships that have lasted longer and that are deeper and more meaningful than any romantic relationship I’ve had.
Do I feel I need to find The One so I can have children to raise in my image to pass on my legacy? I may not have created a child but I do have children in the sense that I am an uncle and a big brother. I have close friends with kids. I genuinely love kids but I don’t need my own to satisfy this parental urge I seem to have.
There is no need for me to feel unfulfilled. I have great friends, a satisfying career, and a healthy personal life. Everything is fine the way it is and if I never find someone to share it with, I can live with that.
Having been in many different types of relationships, I know that a romantic relationship is something that can be approximated but not equaled. Having friends and family and pets are a substitute to this relationship, but it’s a poor substitute at best. I do not reject the importance of romance. But after taking time for reflection, I realize that finding The One will not make or break my life. My life is great the way it is.
This post contains spoilers about the most recent episode of The Walking Dead.
This morning I was on board with all the Andrea hate. She’s a dumb bitch who will toss aside her friendship with the woman who nursed her back to health just so she can get some dick from a shady megalomaniac with a messiah complex. Further, she has a history of hooking up with psychotics.
But is she really all bad? I’ve been thinking about this today and I wonder: how much of our frustration with Andrea is a result of us being trained by this show to treat the women as antagonists? This might be part of it but we’ve discussed this previously so I’ll move on.
Is it because she is stubborn? Andrea is a stubborn person. But so is Rick. I think we can safely say that we consider Rick to be a bad person but we still feel bad when bad things happen to him. Andrea is actually less stubborn than Rick. In this last episode when the Governor ordered her around, did we not wish she would actually be a little more headstrong about it?
Maybe it’s because she bangs so many dudes. But does she really? In a period of 10 months to a year, she has sex with 2 people. 2 people! Jump back! For an unattached person with no commitments, that is not unreasonable at all.
Maybe it’s because she has bad taste in men. We call her stupid because she is attracted to the Governor. We question her taste when she has sex with Shane in the fully loaded, all-wheel drive, well-engineered Hyundai. But attraction is not a choice. We don’t villainize someone for a lack of attraction they feel towards someone. Should we villainize someone for feeling attracted to a type of person? Perhaps not. Andrea is a strong woman in her own right and it appears she is attracted to Type As. I’d be willing to bet she’d have sex with Rick given the chance.
Should we blame her for acting on this attraction? There is a reverse Baltic Effect that occurs when we experience attraction. When we like someone a lot, we allow a lot of bad behavior that we simply can not see. When I fall for someone, they can do no wrong in my eyes. Andrea’s vision is clouded with lust.
Sure, Andrea is stupid and inconsistent and can be irritating. Her choices are dumb. But does she really deserve so much hate? I don’t know.
This movie is an extremely well-acted sausage fest. It runs about 30 minutes too long. Can a movie be both good and boring at the same time? Yes, apparently. Watch this movie if you want to see some great acting and learn something about how shady the 13th Amendment’s passing was. Pretty interesting in that regard.
This movie would be more interesting to me if it focused less on Lincoln and more on the politics. A movie that depicts the backdoor dealings and political posturing with Lincoln in the background would be awesome. Hollywood: get on it.
Ian Flemming’s James Bond 007 in Skyfall
This movie is good but not what I wanted. The opening is killer despite one of my mortal enemies singing the song. It has amazing cinematography and probably the least cockamamie Bond story plot to date. It’s straight forward, well executed and has probably my favorite villain of all but…I expected something crazier than Quantum of Solace. QOS was bat country crazy while Skyfall felt watered down by comparison. Skyfall is a new pair of Armani slacks. Classy, clean, sophisticated. But it couldn’t overpower its predecessor which was a pair of cheetah print, exploding pants.
Reviewed by Trent Sellers
Two caveats to consider when reading this review:
1. These reviews are my opinions or the opinions of the guest reviewer. I am not presenting them as objective critiques of movies. I know these movies are wildly popular.
2. I haven’t read the Twilight books and I’ve only seen the first movie and Breaking Dawn Part 1.
Breaking Dawn Part 2 is interesting and watchable but not a good movie. The baby’s CGIed face is distracting. The vampire makeup is distracting. The best part of the movie is the huge battle wherein werewolves and vampires rip each other’s heads off. That was actually pretty awesome. Also, I like that each vampire has a special superpower. Like the one Middle Eastern Captain Planet vampire who can control the elements. That was pretty sweet.
I admit to being drawn into this movie at points. While watching this movie in the theater I actually got upset and yelled “Oh no!” when a vampire I liked got his head ripped off.
I would give this movie 2 stars but I watched it in Hawaii and everything is better in Hawaii. ***
The opening shot of this movie has boobs, so it starts the way all movies should. Denzel Washington does a fantastic job playing a high functioning alcoholic in denial. I could see him getting an academy award nomination for this. I really enjoyed his performance. My experience was slightly marred because I watched it with a lawyer who loudly insisted on offering his two cents throughout all the legal scenes. The average lay person can forgive slight legal inaccuracies if they serve the story. ****
I think I loved this movie. Not sure I “got it.” But it’s beautiful and moving. It’s almost 3 hours long but each minute was essential. The actors played multiple characters from different time periods and the make-up was pretty sloppy and distracting. But that might have been on purpose to remind the audience that, “see, this is the same actor because we’re illustrating that everything is connected, get it? get it?” Not sure if this movie is pedantic or not. I still liked it and I’ll watch it again. **** (out of 5)
With cool killing and funny dialogue, this movie held my attention and kept me entertained. Christopher Walken is fantastic in it. The movie tends to be self-aware to the point of onanism. It is very similar to Adaptation in this sense. Entertaining and worth renting. ***
Rating system:
***** You must watch this movie!
**** I loved this movie!
*** I liked this movie.
** I didn’t like this movie.
* I hated this movie.